PROTO CORPORATION ("the Company") hereby announces as below, the status of repurchases of shares of its common stock conducted pursuant to Article 156 of the Corporation Law of Japan, as applied pursuant to Paragraph 3, Article 165 of the Corporation Law.
1.Period for repurchases:November 4, 2014 to November 30, 2014
2.Class of shares repurchased:Common stock
3.Total number of shares repurchased:111,800 shares
4.Aggregate repurchased amount:180,711,400 yen
5.Method of repurchase:Acquisitions on the Tokyo Stock Exchange
1. Details of the resolution at the Board of Directors meeting held on October 31, 2014:
(1)Class of shares to be repurchased:Common stock
(2)Total number of shares to be repurchased:Up to 150 thousand shares
(Ratio to the number of outstanding shares: 0.73%)
(3)Aggregate repurchase amount:Up to 200 million yen
(4)Period for repurchases:November 4, 2014 to December 22, 2014
2. Total number of shares repurchased on the market pursuant to the resolution and total amount of repurchases
(as of November 30, 2014):
(1)Class of shares to be repurchased:111,800 shares
(2)Aggregate repurchased amount:180,711,400 yen